Showcase Chaos Knight Desacrator loyal to Nurgle followers - Death Guard, accompanied by nurgling swarm, toxic green color schemeDeath Guard Chaos Lord - conversion created from chaos lord, Blightlords Terminators and Lord of Contagion with some green stuffDeath Guard Foul Blight SpawnDeath Guard Plague MarinesChaos Death Guard Plagueburst Crawler pained in toxic green nurgle color schemeDeath Guard Foul Blight SpawnDeath Guard Foetid Bloat-droneChaos Knight Desacrator loyal to Nurgle followers - Death Guard, accompanied by nurgling swarm, toxic green color schemeDeath Guard Foetid Bloat-droneDeath Guard Chaos Lord - conversion created from chaos lord, Blightlords Terminators and Lord of Contagion with some green stuffChaos Death Guard Plagueburst Crawler pained in toxic green nurgle color schemeChainrasp Horde led by Grimghast ReaperModels from Age of Sigmar Soulwars setGrimghast Reaper with Chainrasp guardsModels from Age of Sigmar Soulwars setNighthaunt Chainrasp HordeModels from Age of Sigmar Soulwars setDeath Guard PoxwalkersDeath Guard PoxwalkersAstra Militarum ChimeraChimera Transport Tank in brown-khaki camouflageAstra Militarum InfantryAstra Militarum Infantry in brown-khaki camoPlague MarinesDeath Guard Plague Marines - Warhammer 40KPlague MarinesDeath Guard Plague Marines - Warhammer 40KNoxious BlightbringerDeath Guard Noxious Blightbringer - Warhammer 40K